Thursday, January 8, 2004

Distance week - 6x800

               #1   #2   #3   #4   #5   #6
Charity      3:05 3:12 3:16 3:17 3:23 3:17
Frank        2:58 2:49 2:52 2:54 2:49 2:40
Fred*        2:30 2:29 2:13 2:15 2:16 2:16
John**       3:37 3:31 3:27 3:49 3:41 3:40
Keith        3:14 3:14 3:13 3:13 3:11 3:11
Malinda      3:23 3:38 3:31 3:36 3:30 3:29
Patrick      3:22 3:33 3:27 3:25 3:28 3:10
Paul         2:56 2:49 2:53 3:17 3:07 2:49
Peter        2:59 2:56 2:57 2:58 2:56 2:59

* Ran 6x400
** Frank's nephew.

Welcome to Presdio RX Runners: Paul, Charity and Fred.

See also:
August 14, 2003
May 22, 2003

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